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Chapter Minutes - May 6, 2015

    Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)
    Meeting of the Chapter Officers
    May 6, 2015


    Holly Rex, President, Mary Dupes, Program Director/President Elect, Rose Hesseling, Secretary/Treasurer, Vince Ozier, Web Director; Krista Richardson, Membership Director, Bonnie Leonhardt, Program Director

    Next meeting:

    May 21, 2015 11:30 am (Membership Meeting) 
    August 12, 8:00 am (Board Meeting)

    The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m.

    A Treasurer’s report was provided indicating a current balance of $4,352.78.

    Discussed the programming for the September and November meetings.  The September member meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2015.  An alternative date may be September 3, 2015.  The topic is “Developmental Coaching”.  It is scheduled to be a 3-hour training.  Bonnie is working to find a presenter within our price range.  She is working through Chris Roediger in Cincinnati who leads the managers' coaching forum for ATD.

    The November is the Annual Legal Update.  Mary mentioned that we have a new member, Jim Yates, from the Eastman & Smith LTD.  In the past, we have utilized Tom Dixon of this firm to facilitate our legal update.  Mary will contact Jim to see if this is something his firm would be interested in presenting.  The tentative date is November 19, 2015 but can be rearranged based on Eastman & Smith’s availability.

    Krista reported on the current paid memberships. Currently, 32 members have paid their annual dues.  Last year’s membership was 44.  There were 49 members in 2013 and 45 in 2012.  Discussed options for contacting those whom have not yet renewed and the possibility of a reduced membership fee of $36 for the remaining meetings.  It was determined that Krista would email the past members and remind them that they can attend the remainder of the meetings at the non-member rate and rejoin as a member in January of 2016.  Krista will also provide the board members with a list of current members along with a list of members that did not continue their membership by year.

    Continued last month’s discussion regarding the possibility of increasing the chapter’s communications via social media.  Concerns were raised with the ability to maintain on-going “posts” to the sites (Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn).  Holly will check with her contact at NOW Marketing to get an idea of available services and costs for the group.  There is also the possibility of reaching out to the area colleges for an intern.  The group could pay a stipend.  Bonnie also mentioned at a previous meeting that a UNOH class is looking for a project involving a marketing campaign.  This could be another possibility.

    Vince provided the group with information on having the website housed through National SHRM rather than WCOIL.  All agreed that it looked acceptable and agreed to have Vince proceed with this project

    The Next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 12, 2014 at 8:30 am (Panera West).

    The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am.