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December 1, 2021 Board Minutes

    Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)

    Meeting of the Chapter Officers

    December 1, 2021

    Present: Kendra Nickel, President, Krista Richardson, Membership Director, Jeremy Monroe, Secretary/Treasurer, Amy Ricker, Past President, Cody Sanderson, Co-Programming Director, Jennifer Comer, Social Media/Website Chair, and Andrea Goings, Co-Programming Director.


    Next meeting(s): December Social Event – Old Barn Restaurant and Grill – December 16th (4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.), Chapter Meeting – January - TBD, December Board Meeting – moved to 12/22 @ 8:30 a.m. (new Board member orientation).       

    The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. 

    The agenda of the meeting is detailed below:

    1. Board meeting minutes from October 27, 2021 meeting were reviewed and approved.
    2. Chair reports were provided:
      1. Secretary/Treasurer - $9,263.23 currently in chapter bank account. 
        1. Account balance includes 8 payments for 2022 Membership Dues as well as payment to Mindi Wells for November Annual Legal Update.
        2. Catering bill for Annual Legal Update still outstanding.  Approximately $300. 
        3. Ohio SHRM approved Kendra’s request for reimbursement for this session in the amount of $1,000.  Funds not yet received in bank account. 
        4. General discussion was held regarding the process by which Venmo transactions would be verified via the chapter bank account as well as the invoicing process for members who submit payment immediately after completing the online membership renewal.   
        5. Preparation for 2021 Financial Review and potential 2022 Budget planning has begun.
      2. Membership – 57 active chapter members.  23 new members added in 2021!
        1. Goal of 20% growth in membership was far exceeded…approximately 65% growth!  Great job Krista!
        2. Abby Miller, Rhodes St. College, is willing to be considered for the Chapter Membership Director in the future. 
        3. An email reminder will be sent to membership in mid-December to remind the group about renewing their membership for 2022. 
        4. To date, we have 15 active members renewing membership for 2022. 
      3. Programming – Upcoming meetings scheduled:    
        1. Reviewed survey responses from November – annual Legal Update with Mindi Wells.  Mostly positive reviews and the Board all felt Mindi did a good job balancing the remote presentation due to last minute circumstances.
        2. December – networking event at Old Barn Restaurant and Grill.  Date changed to 12/16 due to a conflict.  Scheduled from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.    
        3. January – discussions about a BWC related presentation.  BWC not willing to present on COVID related issues.  Discussion held regarding a different BWC topic or having a general Roundtable open forum meeting for membership to discuss topics of interest.  No final decision made.    
        4. February – Lauren Scheiffer presentation.  Initial deposit to reserve date has been made. 
        5. March – Recruitment is a general topic.  Cody has contacted a couple of possible presenters and has a lead on a possible speaker.
        6. April - Emotional Intelligence (George Lehman) or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Tyson Goings).
        7. May – Government session with Matt Huffman and/or Bob Cupp.    
      4. Social Media / Website –
        1. Jennifer shared with the Board that due to continuing work volume she will be resigning her position on the Board.  Belinda Welch has agreed to finish Jennifer’s term.
        2. The Chapter Facebook account has been turned off with the goal of driving activity to the chapter LinkedIn account going forward. 
        3. Work continues on getting an HR Jobs page up on our website along with advertising opportunities for local business to sponsor future chapter events.       
      5. President –
        1. Chapter SHAPE report will be coming due soon. 
        2. Discussed Board’s interest in applying to chapter recognition awards through SHRM.  Board determined to proceed with applications and approved a $60 check issued to the SHRM Foundation to fulfill that requirement of the awards application process. 
        3. Upcoming Board transition planning should be scheduled.  Andrea and Cody to meet with Kevin Rigg (future Co-Programming Chair) and Kendra to meet with Cody (future President-Elect). 
        4. An EBlast will be scheduled for 12/13 to target current SHRM members in the area who are not current members of Lima SHRM. 
        5. Board approved to continue with 2022 monthly Board meetings via Zoom and on Wednesday mornings. 
        6. Kendra to work with Amy on future meeting sponsor prospects utilizing the Lima Chamber membership roster.
      6. Past President –
        1. Nothing to report.    
    3. Old Business
      1. None. 
    4. New Business
      1. None.


    Meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.