March 24, 2021 Board Minutes
Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)
Meeting of the Chapter Officers
March 24, 2021
Present: Kendra Nickel, President, Amy Ricker, Past President, Krista Richardson, Membership Director, Jeremy Monroe, Secretary/Treasurer, Jennifer Comer, Social Media/Website Chair, Cody Sanderson, Co-Programming Director, and Andrea Goings, Co-Programming Director.
Absent: None
Next meeting: Chapter Meeting – Stolly Insurance (Randee Henson & Jordan Martin) – April 15th, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Zoom): Board Meeting – April 28th, 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. (Zoom)
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m.
The agenda of the meeting is detailed below:
- Board meeting minutes from February 24th meeting were reviewed and approved.
- Chair reports were provided:
- Secretary/Treasurer - $11,194.47 currently in chapter bank account. Awaiting 2021 dues payment from 3 new members who have been invoiced. Reminders will be sent.
- Membership – 47 active chapter members.
- Programming – Upcoming meetings scheduled:
- April – Compensation and Benefits – Randee Henson and Jordan Martin from Stolly Insurance.
- May – Ethics (Alex Sider - Bluffton University Professor)
- May/June – Social Event – details to be determined. Discussed outdoor venue at Old Barn Out Back for a Thursday evening Happy Hour type event.
- September – open at the moment. Contacted Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman. Awaiting a response.
- October – Employee and Labor Relations – still seeking speaker. Potentially Ed Goddard from Kindred Healthcare.
- November – Legal Update (Mindi Wells).
- December – Social Event – details to be determined.
- Social Media / Website – working on ideas for updating the chapter logo. Made contact with person who could complete the design work. Updates to the Chapter website included the Ohio SHRM Conference and National SHRM Conference. Need to continue to promote the value of Lima SHRM chapter membership on social media platforms.
- President – No individual report.
- Past President – No individual report.
- Old Business
- Reviewed and approved chapter bylaw changes. Kendra to send to SHRM for approval. Once approved, bylaws will go to a membership vote. If approved, final version is sent back to SHRM.
- Email Account for Chapter2021 Goal Discussion
- Previously setup yahoo email account was allowed to expire.
- Discussion occurred about setup of new account. Decision was made to setup the: email account for chapter use.
- New Business
- Very positive member evaluations of March chapter meeting with Jeff Dulemba on Staffing/Recruiting. Slightly lower registration for morning meeting than typical lunch meeting. In addition, 1/3 of those registered did not attend. After discussion, it was determined that future morning chapter meetings will start at 8:30 a.m.
- Ohio SHRM Membership Goal action plan was reviewed/discussed. Decision was made to utilize SHRM eBlast quarterly starting on 3/29/21 to encourage National SHRM members in the area to join Lima SHRM.
- Meeting sponsors were discussed when in-person meetings can resume. Sponsors may be willing to support the chapter to help cover costs of venues, meals, etc. during in-person meetings. Decision made to start looking for meeting sponsors starting with January 2022 meeting. Kendra and Amy to work on a plan.
- Name tags for Chapter members – Discussion occurred regarding use of name tags during in-person events. Agreement on targeting September 2021 meeting to implement. Kendra to work on and fashion name tags after those offered on SHRM website with a goal of producing at a lower cost to the chapter.
- Recording chapter meeting presentations was discussed by the group. Final decision made to record Zoom meetings and distribute only to those who registered and attended the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.