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March 23, 2022 Board Minutes

    Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)

    Meeting of the Chapter Officers

    March 23, 2022

    Present: Kendra Nickel, President, Krista Richardson, Membership Director, Jeremy Monroe, Secretary/Treasurer, Amy Ricker, Past President, Cody Sanderson, President-Elect, Belinda Welch, Social Media/Website Chair, Andrea Goings, Co-Programming Director, and Kevin Rigg, Co-Programming Director.

    Absent: None.

    Next meeting(s): April Membership Meeting (4/21/22) – Emotional Intelligence presented by George Lehman (Allen County Ohio Means Jobs 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.), March Board Meeting – 4/27/22 @ 8:30 a.m. via Zoom.           

    The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. 

    The agenda of the meeting is detailed below:

    1. Board meeting minutes from February 23, 2022 meeting were reviewed and approved with the recommended change to properly spell Londell Smith’s name as our April meeting sponsor.
    2. Chair reports were provided prior to the Board meeting and are included at the end of this document. 
    3. Chair Report discussion held during the Board meeting:
      1. Programming
        1. Confirmed the start time of the April chapter meeting as well as the location (Conference room on 2nd floor @ Ohio Means Jobs).  Also discussed breakfast options for this meeting with a goal to spend $15/person or less. 
        2. Board agreed to try to schedule November Legal Update meeting at Rhodes St. College. 
      2. Past President
        1. Jennifer Mills waiting on approval to sponsor the May chapter meeting. 
    4. Old Business
      1. None. 
    5. New Business
      1. Growing Membership
        1. Kendra to request updated listing from SHRM of at-large members in the area.  Board members will then reach out via LinkedIn, etc. to invite contacts to a chapter meeting.
        2. Connect with student chapters and/or local schools with HR programs to encourage membership.  Cody to follow up with Rhodes St. College.
        3. Plan to communicate more information about chapter meetings, growth, and benefits of joining using variety of methods.
        4. Board members to reach out to current members for testimonials on why they’re a member and/or the value it brings.  Krista to provide list by 3/25, contacts to be made the following week, with a testimonial response deadline of 4/8/22.
        5. Continue discussion with HR Association of Western Ohio to see if any of their members would be interested in Lima SHRM chapter membership as well.
      2. Current Chapter Financial Discussion
        1. State Council Treasurer recommends keeping 50% of annual revenue spend in the account.  Discussion around ideas for spending excess funds occurred:
          1. Reimburse members for SHRM or HRCI certification fees.  More discussion to be held next month.
          2. Promote early renewal of SHRM membership for a drawing to pay for chapter members’ renewal fees.  Approved.
          3. Purchase items from SHRM store for meeting giveaways.  Tabled.
          4. Free chapter membership for students.  Tabled.
          5. Free chapter membership for Board members.  Concerns raised with this action.
      3. Planning Ahead
        1. Board approved silent auction items ($75 wine basket and $25 Kewpee gift card) for Ohio HR Conference to benefit the SHRM Foundation.
        2. Board approved 50/50 raffle at future chapter meetings to benefit the SHRM Foundation.
        3. Plan to survey membership on a variety of topics in September.
        4. Plan to call for new Board members in September with potential vote in October

    Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.


    Chair Reports:

    President –

    • Cody, Krista, and I met at the very end of February to prepare our Excel Award submission. I had our District Director from the State Council review it and it was submitted on Friday, March 4, in advance of the deadline. I’m not sure when we should expect to hear back about the results.
    • I will plan and prepare another eBlast for sending in early May to promote Senator Huffman’s program.
    • I continue to work with the Lima Chamber to determine who to best promote our chapter and its programs with that group
    • I reached out to the current board of the Human Resources Association of Western Ohio. They are not a SHRM affiliated chapter, but we might be interested in partnering with them. I’m scheduling a Zoom meeting with one of their Board members to learn more.
    • I attended two Ohio SHRM meetings since our last Board meeting—one virtual and one in person. Our chapter continues to grow in its reputation with a strong turnaround these last couple of years.


    Membership –

    Lima Chapter SHRM has 51 active members in the system for 2022.

    • New Members – 6
    • Renewals - 45

    The chapter has added 4 new members since January 2022.

    • February 2022 – 1 new member
    • January 2022 – 5 new members

    * March 21, 2022: I “expired” 12 “active” members in the system who hadn’t renewed their memberships for 2022.


    Secretary/Treasurer –

    • $10,632.17 in the bank account.
    • Expecting checks of $20 (non-member payment from Feb. chapter mtg) and $60 from new member.


    Programming -

    • Past Event:
      • March – Recruitment Strategies – 10 people completed the evaluation and all provided good feedback.
    • Upcoming Events:
      • April 21st- 8:00am- 9:30am Emotional Intelligence with Dr. George Lehman at Ohio Means Job Conference Center
      • May 6th – 11:30a-1p Legislative Discussion with Senator Matt Huffman at Ohio Means Job Conference Center
      • June – August break – but will want to think about a Social Event
      • September 15th – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Workplace with Greg Braylock, ProMedica (tentatively scheduled for virtual – time TBD
      • October 20th – “Failing Forward” (learning from our mistakes) with Chelsea Benton, Northwestern Mutual (tentatively scheduled)
      • November 17th – Legal Update with Nadia A. Lampton, Labor Attorney, location TBD from 8a-Noon.
      • December – Social Event


    Social Media –

    • April Membership Meeting created on LinkedIn.
    • Posted on LinkedIn about deal for Ohio SHRM Conference.
    • Archived 2021 Board Minutes under a new Menu item in the Members Only section.
    • This will allow access to 2021 minutes while only having 2022 minutes on the left menu.
    • Added BWC Webinar to April events.


    Past President –

    • No report submitted.