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January 27, 2021 Board Minutes

    Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)

    Meeting of the Chapter Officers

    January 27, 2021

    Present:  Kendra Nickel, President, Amy Ricker, Past President, Krista Richardson, Membership Director, Jeremy Monroe, Secretary/Treasurer, Cody Sanderson, Co-Programming Director, Andrea Goings, Co-Programming Director and Jennifer Comer, Social Media/Website Chair.                           

    Next meeting:       Chapter Meeting – Alan Mallory – February 18th, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (Zoom)

                                  Board Meeting – February 24th, 8:30 am – 9:30 am (Zoom) 

    The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. 

    The agenda of the meeting is detailed below:

    1. Board meeting minutes from January 13th meeting were reviewed and approved. 
    2. Chair reports were provided:
      1. Secretary/Treasurer - $11,239.47 currently in chapter bank account.  Received $1,000 refund from Lima Chamber.  Awaiting 2021 dues payment from several new members. 
      2. Membership – 42 active chapter members.  Sending reminders to 14 past membership inquiries about membership for 2021.  Only 3,000 of 10,000 National SHRM members in Ohio belong to local chapters.  Take advantage of free SHRM e-blasts to target this audience as potential new members.
      3. Programming – National Speaker (Alan Mallory) set for 2/18/21 meeting.  March chapter meeting (3/18) will be scheduled for morning and features Jeff Dilemba (Staffing & Recruiting consultant).  Still looking for April speaker (maybe insurance/benefits broker?).  May chapter meeting will be Ethics oriented from Bluffton University speaker.  Consider another legal update as topic for November meeting.
        1. Discussed offering HRCI vs. SHRM credits.  Board agreed both are helpful for members.  Cody to gather more details on requirements of $450 annual fee to HRCI for approving CEU credits. 
        2. Board agreed that $100 Honorarium for speakers who don’t charge a fee is appropriate. 
      4. Social Media / Website – LinkedIn group is up and going.  Discussion was held regarding using a Lima SHRM labeled email account for chapter communications instead of personal or work email addresses.  Already have a yahoo email account and could use that for now.
      5. President – 2020 SHAPE report was submitted.  Should we consider SHRM labeled chapter name tags?  $11.50/per name tag.  Tabled for future consideration when in-person meetings resume. 
    3. New Business
      1. January chapter meeting was reviewed/discussed.  Board thought meeting went well, was well attended and was a good start to 2021.  Member comments from survey were mostly positive and focused on more professional approach to the meeting, presentation of speaker, etc.  Only comments suggesting improvement of session were the time limitations on speaker. 
      2. Discussion was held regarding “how things get done.”  Plan going forward is as follows:
        1. Updating programs on website – Andrea and/or Cody
        2. Creating registration form and linking to event – Jennifer
        3. Emailing meeting invite and reminder – Kendra and/or Andrea
        4. Emailing Zoom information – Kendra and/or Andrea…close registration day before event is to be held.
        5. Creating evaluation survey, recertification credit -  Kendra and/or Cody
      3. Planning for 2021 – Tying out Goals – did not get to this part of the agenda.  Kendra asked that each Board member consider target dates for when they could commit to having their 2021 goals accomplished.  Further discussion at next Board Meeting.
      4. President Elect Position – position is currently vacant.  Kendra suggested she would like to maintain role as President for three (3) years then transition to Past President.  Suggested we leave role open for 2021 then establish President Elect for 2022 and 2023 to serve for final two years of Kendra’s term.  Board agreed with plan. 


    Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.