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February 24, 2021 Board Minutes

    Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)

    Meeting of the Chapter Officers

    February 24, 2021

    Present: Kendra Nickel, President, Krista Richardson, Membership Director, Jeremy Monroe, Secretary/Treasurer, Cody Sanderson, Co-Programming Director, and Andrea Goings, Co-Programming Director.

    Absent:  Amy Ricker, Past President and Jennifer Comer, Social Media/Website Chair                          

    Next meeting: Chapter Meeting – Jeff Dulemba – March 18th, 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. (Zoom)                                 Board Meeting – March 24th, 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. (Zoom) 

    The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. 

    The agenda of the meeting is detailed below:

    1. Board meeting minutes from January 24th meeting were reviewed and approved. 
    2. Chair reports were provided:
      1. Secretary/Treasurer - $10,809.47 currently in chapter bank account.  Awaiting 2021 dues payment from 3 new members who have been invoiced.  Reminders will be sent.   Additional $105 payment coming from SHRM. 
      2. Membership – 45 active chapter members with 2 pending.  Attended SHRM Membership meeting for additional ideas.  Still an option to pull list of National SHRM members to target for Lima SHRM membership.  Also, should we consider quarterly new member meeting to welcome them to the chapter? 
      3. Programming – February chapter meeting with National Speaker (Alan Mallory) went very well.  HRCI credit is pending.  Survey of members for feedback on this presentation will be sent out today.  Upcoming meetings scheduled:
        1. March – Staffing and Recruitment (Jeff Dulemba)
        2. April – Compensation and Benefits – still seeking speaker.  Possible options are Sheakley, Brett Montague, Benefits Strategies Agency or The Employers’ Resource Association. 
        3. May – Ethics (Bluffton University Professor)  
        4. September – open at the moment.  Possibly Coaching and Development related with David Baumgartner (Tresane) or Ohio House or Senate President since both are from Allen County. 
        5. October – Employee and Labor Relations – still seeking speaker.  Potentially Ed Goddard from Kindred Healthcare. 
        6. November – Legal Update (Mindi Wells). 
        7. December – Social Event – details to be determined. 
      4. Social Media / Website – No report.
      5. President – Announced 1 day Employment Law Conference occurring on May 5th.  Chapter receives 1 free registration if any Board members are interested.  Also announced that chapter Board members receive a 10% discount when registering for the National SHRM Conference.  Discussion occurred regarding the SHRM Volunteer Leaders business meeting in Washington D.C.  President and President-Elect paid for by SHRM.  Chapter should consider sending President and another Board Member for this year’s event.    
    3. Old Business
      1. Reviewed proposed chapter Bylaw changes.  Several additional typos or changes were identified to be made by Secretary/Treasurer.  Once updates are made, draft will be sent to SHRM for approval, then to a membership vote.  If approved, final version is sent back to SHRM. 
      2. 2021 Goal Discussion
        1. Membership growth – 20 % goal of 7 members is already achieved with 10 new members at the current time!
        2. Treasurer – online payment method target date of December 2021 was established.  Must determine which online payment entity to partner with before getting started.  President to ask other chapters about potential vendors. 
        3. Programming – goal of 8 programmed and 2 social events while planning 6 months in advance is already close to being met. 
        4. Certification – discussion held on possible new Board position to encourage certification and manage the recertification process of members.  Decision was made to take this topic off of the goals list for 2021. 
        5. Identity – New logo.  Plan to get this accomplished as soon as possible.  Maybe coincide with revised Bylaws in an approval vote to membership?  President to work with Website/Social Media on plan for new logo.  If Website/Social Media chair is interested in designing a new logo, a $100 stipend will be provided by the chapter for time spent. 
    4. New Business
      1. Evaluation of February chapter meeting to be sent to membership today.
      2. Ohio SHRM Membership Goal action plan was reviewed/discussed.  Currently have 21 dual members in the chapter.  Possibly target new chapter members to encourage National SHRM membership?  Krista to send Lima SHRM database to SHRM for review of National members in March.  Consider using eBlast option to promote?
      3. Meeting sponsors were discussed when in-person meetings can resume.  Sponsors may be willing to support the chapter to help cover costs of venues, meals, etc. during in-person meetings. 
      4. Name tags for Chapter members – tabled for future discussion.




    Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.