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Chapter Minutes- February 18, 2016

    Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)

    Meeting of the Chapter Officers

    February 18, 2016


    Present: Mary Dupes, Program Director/President Elect; Rose Hesseling, Secretary/Treasurer; Bonnie Leonhardt, Program Director; Amy Ricker, VP, President/Elect


    Absent: Vince Ozier, Website Director, Krista Richardson, Membership Director; Holly Rex, President, Jessica Rodgers, Social Media Director



    Next meeting:      

    • March 17, 2016 at 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (Membership Meeting)
    •   April 21, 2016 at 8:00 am (Board Meeting) @ Panera Bread West


    The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. 


    A Treasurer’s report was provided indicating a current balance of $5,080.14. 


    Mary reviewed the survey results received.  Six members sent back responses.  It appears that the meeting times are satisfactory to the membership.  Therefore, meetings will continue to be held at 8:00 for the mini-workshop style meeting and at 11:30 for the 1-hour trainings.


    There were no complaints expressed regarding the meetings being held at the Old Barn Out Back, however, it appears that members enjoy the occasional change of venue.  Future suggestions include returning to the college campuses (i.e. Rhoades/OSU Lima and UNOH), the Lock Sixteen, The Meeting Place, and/or The Met, or the Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center.  Bonnie will follow up with the Lock 16 to see if they have a meeting room and the potential cost. 


    The respondents offered suggestions for potential topics of:  safety topics, flexible work arrangements and corporate training preparation/development.  David Brown volunteered to present on training development.  It was suggested that Susan Marsico may also be contacted to assist if David would like to have someone else involved. 


    Also discussed were options for attracting new members.  Mary is going to contact various employers in town to make them aware of LSHRM and invite them to participate and/or join the group.  Employers mentioned (but not limited to) were St. Rita’s, US Plastics, Lakeview Farms, Memorial Hospital, and P&G). Many of these companies had representatives as members in the past.  We want to make sure that the current HR professionals are aware of the Lima chapter.  A survey response also suggested contacting The Lima News to do an article on the group, as they could attend a meeting and include a picture with the article. 


    The next membership meeting (March 17, 2016) will include a presentation from Jim Yates.  It will be a continuation of legal topics that were not covered at the Annual Legal Update due to time constraints.  Cedar Point will be sponsoring the meeting and will be providing a brief presentation on what they can offer employers as a benefit to the employees.  The meeting has also been promoted as an opportunity for members to invite a guest a no cost.  This has been posted on the Facebook page and Twitter.  Cedar Point is providing park ticket to be raffled off to the attendees. 


    The May membership meeting will be held at Husky as they will sponsor the meeting and supply the lunch.  This will be the “Roundtable” meeting.  Topics will be confirmed that the next meeting.  There will also be a tour of Husky provided to the members.


    A member’s employer is requiring a W-9 from LSHRM prior to paying for the annual dues.  Mary indicated that it requires a federal id number, of which LSHRM does not have.  Mary will contact National for direction on getting a federal id number.  Rose will also follow up with the Tax Department at HCF for advice.  It was determined that a “State of Ohio Certificate” has been obtained, however, the federal id number is assigned by the federal government.  This will require follow-up.


    The Next Board Meeting is scheduled for April 21st at 8:00 am (Panera West).


    The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 am.