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Chapter Minutes - February 16, 2017

    Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)

    Meeting of the Chapter Officers

    February 16, 2017

    Present:               Mary Dupes, President; Amy Ricker, VP/President Elect; Rose Hesseling, Secretary/Treasurer; Vince Ozier, Website Director

    Absent:                Holly Rex, Past President; Krista Richardson, Membership Director

    Next meeting:                March 16, 2017 at Old Barn Out Back at 11:30 am                          

    April 20, 2017 at 8:00 am (Board Meeting) @ Panera Bread West         

    The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. 

    A Treasurer’s report was provided indicating a current balance of $6,914.31.  Profit for the year was $679.52.

    Website Updates:  Krista communicated via email to Vince that someone was trying to get something from the website but couldn’t.  Vince is looking into this.  Mary made some recent updates by adding the meeting schedule onto the website.  Mary utilized the instruction booklet that was provided by the intern.  Vince requested that Mary email him a copy of the manual/instruction booklet.

    The Lima/Allen County Chamber of Commerce contacted Mary asking for a LSHRM representative to present at the February 24th Wake Rattle and Roll meeting.  They requested a presentation on performance evaluations.  David Gratz has agreed to do this.  David had sent an email to the membership asking for input.  Also, the Chamber is allowing LSHRM to set up an informational table at the meeting.  Mary will be attending the meeting and will set up the table and be available to answer questions.  Amy provided Mary with a membership informational flyer that she prepared.  Mary will use this on the table and has also requested some application packets from Krista. 

    Mary also requested that LSHRM board members attend this function to help support David in his presentation.  The meeting takes place from 7:30am to 8:30 am at the Veterans Memorial Civic Center.

    Amy will also utilize the membership information flyer at the West Central Ohio Safety Council Meeting.

    Discussion took place regarding members’ ability to send substitutes to meetings that they are unable to attend.  In the past, this practice was not allowed as the memberships are “individual memberships” rather than “company memberships”.  The decision was made to allow this.  The board feels that this is a “member friendly” practice and will further our goal of providing our members with valuable information to assist them in their jobs.  It also allows for higher attendance at meetings.  Memberships, however, will remain individual memberships as the by-laws describe them.

    Mary indicated that she still needs to get the President binders from Holly.

    In absence of a Programming Director, Mary has utilized the board members to pull together presenters for the 2017 meetings.  Vince has arranged for Sargent Sprouse of the Lima City Police Department to present at the March 16, 2017 Membership Meeting.  This will take place at the Old Barn Out Back at 11:30 am. 

    The remainder of the meetings and venues has been set with the exception of the venue for the Annual Legal Update scheduled for November 16, 2017.  Tom Dixon of Eastman Smith will present the information, however, the Old Barn Out Back is not available on that date.  Last year, Rhodes State provided the venue.  Mary will check with Krista to see if this would be an option again this year.  Vince suggested the “Cambridge Center” as a possible location.  It is a Lima City owned building (renovated hotel) that has an equipped meeting room.  This is located next to the renovated train depot.  Vince will check on the room’s availability on that date.  Amy also suggested the meeting room at the Allen County Sanitation office.  This is available at no cost to non-profit organizations. 

    Board Positions were discussed.  There is a continuing need for Programming Directors (2 positions).  Mary also suggested adding a Communications Director to the board.  Concerns were brought up about the lack of interest in the current positions.  If a position is added, we may not be able to find anyone to fill the position.  Discussion pursued about possible changing the title/responsibilities of the Social Media Director position or the Website Director position to one more focused on communication.  Any changes to the By-laws will need to be approved by National SHRM.  This discussion led to further discussion regarding the use of the website, Facebook, and Twitter.  Vince suggested a “Members’ Spotlight” section in which members are asked to write an article regarding their company and the role of HR in their organization.  The suggestion was made that an email be triggered when a new article is places on the website to encourage members to visit the site.  Mary thought she may be able to prepare and article about Randall Bearings.

    Mary highlighted the future meeting schedule:

    February 24, 2017 – Service Meeting at the Chamber’s Wake, Rattle, and Roll – Evaluations presented             by David Gratz

    March 16, 2017 – Membership Meeting – Active Shooter presented by Sargent Sprouse of LCPD

    April 20, 2017 – Board Meeting at Panera Bread West

    May 18, 2017 – Membership Meeting at Husky – Team Building presented by Susan Marsico and David Gratz

    August 17, 2017 – Board Meeting at Panera Bread West

    September 14, 2017 – Membership Meeting – Developing and Evaluating Employee Training Programs by David Brown

    October 19, 2017 – Board Meeting at Panera Bread West

    November 16, 2017 – Membership Meeting – Annual Legal Update (location TBD) presented by Tom Dixon, Eastman Smith.

    The Next Board Meeting is scheduled for April 20, 2017 at 8:00 am (Panera West).

    The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 am.