Chapter Minutes - April 21, 2016
Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)
Meeting of the Chapter Officers - April 21, 2016
Present: Mary Dupes, Program Director/President Elect; Rose Hesseling, Secretary/Treasurer;; Amy Ricker, VP, President/Elect; Vince Ozier, Website Director, Krista Richardson, Membership Director
Absent: Holly Rex, President, Jessica Rodgers, Social Media Director; Bonnie Leonhardt, Program Director
Next Meeting: May19, 2016 at 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Membership Meeting @ Husky
August 18 at 8:00 am (Board Meeting) @ Panera Bread West
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m.
A Treasurer’s report was provided indicating a current balance of $5,213.87.
The next member meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2016 and Husky will sponsor the meeting at their facility. It will be a HR Roundtable format with the previously determined topics approved for the meeting. Mary will contact Bonnie to get the notices sent out to the membership.
Krista had emailed Mary with questions regarding the process for the membership application on the new web site. There is a link, however, it asks the applicant to set up an account. We need to determine where it goes from there. It was thought to go to Krista’s email, however, she has not received the requests sent by three Husky employees.
With the new role of Social Media Director filled, the board is still defining the responsibilities and expectations. Mary will set up a time to meet with Jessica and Mary to better define the role to Jessica so she has better direction on the direction of the position.
A new Federal ID number was obtained and was given to individuals requesting W-9 forms. Rose will work on getting the paperwork completed for the 506 (c) designation.
Mary will scan a copy of the social media instructions which were received from the intern to each of the board members. Each board member will be responsible for updating their section on the website. The administrator’s password and instructions are included in this packet.
Amy and Krista will work to get information posted and/or updated on the social media sites until Jessica is able to take over.
The Next Board Meeting is scheduled for May 19th at 8:00 am (Panera West).
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 am.