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Chapter Minutes- 12/16/15

    Lima Society for Human Resource Management (LSHRM)

    Meeting of the Chapter Officers

    December 16, 2015


    Present: Mary Dupes, Program Director/President Elect; Rose Hesseling, Secretary/Treasurer; Bonnie Leonhardt, Program Director; Krista Richardson, Membership Director; Holly Rex, President


    Absent: Vince Ozier, Website Director 


    Next meeting:      

    • January 21, 2016 at 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (Membership Meeting) 
    • February18, 2016 at 8:00 am (Board Meeting)


    The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. 


    A Treasurer’s report was provided indicating a current balance of $4,614.79. 


    2016 meeting schedule will be as follows:


    Membership meetings:  January 21st; March 17th; May 19th, September 15th; and November 17th.


    Board Meetings:  February 18th; April 21st; August 18th; October 20th; December 15th.


    It was determined that Amy Ricker has expressed interest in the VP/President Elect position for 2016 and 2017 and Jessica Roger is interested in the Social Media Director or Programs Director for the same time period.  Holly will speak to them about the possibility of filling two roles and send an election ballot out to the membership.


    Bonnie updated the board on the Intern’s progress.  Bonnie has met with the intern, Alyssa McQueen, throughout the semester and she is preparing to present her progress at the next membership meeting scheduled for January 21, 2016.  She will speak about  the new website, Twitter account and Facebook page.  The introduction of board members will also take place at this meeting.  We will also take the time to discuss potential meeting locations and topics for the round table/membership meetings for 2016. 


    A survey will be prepared for the January meeting asking:

    • Topics suggestions for Roundtable meeting
    • Preferences for meeting locations and times
    • Membership expansion ideas
    • Expectation of members


    The March meeting topic will be social media recruiting do’s and don’ts.  Mary will contact Jim Yates to see if he is interested in presenting.  A Cedar Point representative has expressed interest in presenting information and is willing to sponsor the meeting which includes paying for the meals.  This was approved and it was decided that this would be a good opportunity to ask members to “invite a friend” to attend the next meeting for free. 


    Discussed the possibility of purchasing a projector from Mary’s IT department as they have one they no longer utilize.


    Krista will re-send membership due statements to those who have not yet renewed in January.  At the next meeting, we will begin discussing a membership drive.  Currently, 19 members have paid 2016 dues.


    Mary will prepare an announcement for the January Meeting and get it to Bonnie to send out to the members.


    The Next Board Meeting is scheduled for February 18th at 8:00 am (Panera West).


    The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 am.